The Campo de Piedra Poméz (Pumice Stone Field) is a massive white pumice stone labyrinth in Argentina that more resembles something you would see on a trip to the moon than anything found on Earth. I got low and close to these black sand ripples with a wide-angle lens, using the ripples as leading lines for my composition.

I think this is spectacular, but it makes me think of something Richard Bernabe impressed upon me when I once shot with him. My first try at a particular scene saw me clip a key focal point rick in the foreground against the edge. He had me recompose, this time making sure to include the whole rock. The pic looked so much better. This shot, with the sand texture and contrasting light dark fore and midground then contrasted against the colorful sky has my eyes bouncing all about the frame, unable to leave. But would it have been possible to include the entire white pumice stone nad how might that have effected the image? Thanks.